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Salon Extras

What extras do you offer in the salon in addition to services and traditional retail? I have not offered anything before and now is a great time to change that to enhance my retail and service offering. Something I get a lot of compliments on when doing a live broadcast are my lashes. This lead a fellow salon owner to reach out about selling magnetic lashes. I am really intrigued about the process and can see how it would fit right into the current climate since nails and eyes are really what we see when people have their masks on.

Holly wearing strip lashes.
Wearing traditional lashes with adhesive makes me feel fun or professional depending on the lashes.

I love to wear lashes, as a natural ginger my natural lashes are nearly non-existent even with mascara. Sensitive skin means I have to wear them very selectively to avoid irritation from the adhesive. Magnetic lashes offer an option to work around the sensitivity issue for myself and others. Hearing about it from a salon owner and nail professional I trust makes me excited to try something different and offer my clients the same fun feeling to have expressive eyes above the mask.

I will be placing my first order and giving them a try so that I know how they work and what they're like before selling them to clients. My starter page is

What similar things are you doing in the salon or online to supplement your salon income? What advice do you have for those just starting out into a salon extra like this? When they arrive I will be sure to schedule a live so you can join me as I figure out how to use them, it's sure to be entertaining, tips will be appreciated!


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