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Press-Ons with Madison Jones

Madison Jones is a personable nail professional that also happens to own Southernly Sweet Nails, a store and education portal for fellow professionals. His Instagram posts often catch my attention and I couldn't help noticing one in a Facebook group about a press-on class he was

offering one on one online.

This sounded like a fun way to take the information from Lauren Wireman's everything you need to know video a step further and get some custom advice. The class was easy to pay for online and Madison was wonderful to work with for scheduling, being a busy professional himself he understood the challenges of aligning our dates and times. It was so exciting to get things set in place and look forward to learning something new.

The current configuration for press-ons since Covid has been online sales, my ideal market is the prom or other special event attendee that would like a reusable, custom set of nails, that will not damage their natural nail due to improper application and removal. This gives them the ability to choose a quick and inexpensive option, without the usual side effects. If there is a demand, it will not be difficult to add more embellishment to the nails such as complicated art, genuine Swarovski, etc.

The class was thorough from how to source what you need, packaging mail orders, sizing the nails for custom orders, to all the other minutia that you don't realize you'd need to know when you haven't done it before. We walked through some design ideas and ways to find inspiration when clients leave you hanging or say "you do you", and overall it was a great way to spend some education dollars.

If you have been rolling press-ons around in the back of your mind as an option, either for local consumption or online retail, a little education is a great way to get a jump start!


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